Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Starting point...

103 blogs created (maybe), 103 days to start a new life and leave this knotted one behind.
I choose then to open a blog, once again, like I did so many times before.
What changes now? Basically everything, but now the blog has many objectives, for example:

- Planning a the trip to another continent
- Practicing my writing skills in english
- Have a record of everything that is happening in my last months in Uruguay
- Make the days pass faster

It's not about my grief, or about work, or about photography, it's not a blog for anybody but me, a blog about conversations with myself.
Where should I start? Maybe talking about that day, the date engraved in my ring: 12/09/2013.
That's the day I met D, when I saw his face for the first time, how can I forget the look in his eyes and how that shocked me.
Every word after that has been delicately entering my mind, to stay for ever.
And as long as I was falling in love I was learning what it is to miss someone with every beat.
I still feel it sometimes, when we are a few miles away, the same ache that I used to feel when he was 11000 miles away, I don't know why.
It used to be more often when he just arrived, like some frequent nightmare that I could not control, but now it's just somedays, when I wake up alone, or I find myself very lonely at work.

But the starting point of the blog is now anyway, not our story (that will remain in my mind).
Now we are together, with a plan.
A plan that has been shaping itself every hour, every day... that has been very complex and very simple, sad and happy, dangerous and funny as well. But our plan. Nobody decides but us, nobody else is involved. 
For the first time in my life, I am not alone, he told me how to open to be two, and it's scary but it feels so good.

And I want to finish for today, because I just wanted to start the blog, now that I feel weak because of this cold, now that I am starting to feel the change.

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